Wednesday, April 8, 2009


this blog is about a bunch of short and long stories that i'm going to make up

this is my first one its called homework

so here i am in the middle of a multiplication worksheet when my teacher mrs.atmenn calls out
"conner olten did you finish your homework last night?" shaking and stuttering scared thinking that she would find out that i didn't even bother to bring it home i had to find an excuse.Then it came to me i found the perfect excuse so i shouted "my dog ate it"... "realy" said mrs.atmenn "then why did i find your homework in your desk right next to the pack of gum that your not supposed to have" my mind was shouting saying "bad bad this is bad". Now i had nowhere to go i was in lots of trouble mrs.atmenn started yabbing about this and that i was to scared to hear or move the only word i could make out was suspention that word echoed in my head until the bell rang .It was time to go home before i left mrs.atmenn said only to me don't forget your homework and i simply said "i didn't mrs atmenn i will make sure i do it tonight". I finnaly get on the bus when i relize that i had forgoten something....somthing important somthing that i didn't do or forgot about i would get suspended...."I FORGOT MY HOMEWORK" i shouted but it was
too late the bus had taken off . I get home to my mom mad at me she yelled"you did it you finally did it you are now suspended for two weeks and your teacher is giving you an essay you have to finish before you even get out of suspention just wait until your father hears about this"
and my mind was shouting "YOUR DEAD"!

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